Revealed: Regular Folks Earn First Commission In 72 Hours
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Free Gift: First Few Buyers Also Get The '$500 Emergency Cash Booster' Upgrade (Worth $97) - 100% FREE!

  • $3,000 Average Commission - Lenders pays $500-$15,000 in commissions for each referral link you send
  • 60-day results guarantee - this works for you, or you pay nothing 
  • Rookies earning first paycheck within 72 hours of setting this up
  • Working in 2023 - Recession proof work-from-home business that only INCREASES in bad economies
  • Not 1 but 3 set-and-forget automated lead sources to earn passive commission 95% done for you
  • NO Limits - YOU are in complete control of how much you earn 

Get Business loan Hero Course At A Low One-Time Price

$100 - Pay Just $50 Once And Use Forever!

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Proof: We're Earning Huge Commission Checks Every Week:

Get Business loan Hero Course At A Low One-Time Price

$100 - Pay Just $50 Once And Use Forever!

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You Give Me 5 Minutes and I'll Show You How to Earn Your First $3,000 Check in 72 Hours... Guaranteed.

If you've looking for an easy, lucrative side hustle going into 2023, then you need to read every word on this page.

That's because you're about to discover the brain-dead simple way my buddy Kenny is filling his bank accounts with huge commission checks:

You see, Kenny discovered a little-known lender affiliate programs that pay him $600-$15,000 commissions just for finding businesses that need cash and sending them a referral link.

Kenny struggled for years to find an opportunity that would allow him to quit his day job...

...And once he discovered this massive opportunity, he left his 9-5 and never looked back.

Introducing: Business loan Hero Course

Business loan Hero Course is a 95% done-for-you coaching program that pays massive commissions for referring local businesses that need cash to the lenders that can help them.

Inside this coaching, you'll discover:

Get Business loan Hero Course At A Low One-Time Price

$100 - Pay Just $50 Once And Use Forever!

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It's All Possible Thanks to a $743 Billion Dollar Program

Since the pandemic started in 2019 the government has been printing money like crazy to keep the economy afloat.

This has caused concerns of inflation in the long term, however in the short term this money is helping small businesses that are struggling.

So how does this new money get funneled to businesses?

Though Lending.

Small online banks have become flushed with newly printed cash and started to offer easier loan programs to small businesses that need them.

Normal banks have strict lending requirements for businesses:

The new online lenders have a MUCH easier approval process:

That means that small businesses that were denied a loan from their bank in the past due to bad credit, not enough cash flow, or just being too new, will qualify for these new programs.

Online Banks Are Paying a Commission of 2-5% on Loan Referrals With an Average Commission of $3,000

Instead of spending the money advertising these loans, most of these online banks and brokers started affiliate programs paying ANYONE that refers clients a huge referral commission fee.

On average, these lenders are paying a 3% commission on the full loan amount a client borrows.

That means small $20,000 loans pay out $600 in commissions.

Mid-sized $100,000 loans are paying $3,000 in commissions (The average deal size Kenny does)

While larger $500,000 loans pay $15,000 in commissions.

No Experience Required

The best part about these programs is they require:

All you have to do is send a business that needs a loan your affiliate link, and you're done! The lender handles all the paper work and pays your commission just 3 days after the loan funds.

Loan Denial Search Hack + Lender Affiliate Programs = Huge Paydays

Businesses around the country that have been denied loans by their local bank and are desperate for anyone that can help them find the cash they need:

A simple search hack on business forums turns up thousands of potential leads that you can send to this new program and get paid a commission.

All it takes is a single email with your referral link.

The business gets the loan they need...

The Lender gets a new client...

You get paid a hefty commission on the deal...

All The Work is Done For You

Once you send your link to these business owners your job is done!

The lender will contact them, sell them, and get their loan closed.

Most lenders have a fully automated system that approves the business loan in under 24 hours and pays your commission 3 days later.

Unlike most affiliate programs that require customers to make a purchase and only pays $50 commissions, there is nothing for the business owner to buy and commissions range from $600-$15,000 with an average of $3,000.

Kenny typically closes 50% of the businesses he sends through his link.

Imagine: Earning an average commission of $3,000 would mean:

1 referral per week = $12,000/month or $144,000 per year side hustle

5 closed referrals per week earns $60,000/month or $720,000 per year!

10 loan referrals per week earns $120,000/month or $1.4 Million per year!

Get Business loan Hero Course At A Low One-Time Price

$100 - Pay Just $50 Once And Use Forever!

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Business loan Hero Course is a Shortcut

Most home income opportunities selling to local business owners require cold calling and sales pitches to close deals... Then endless work dealing with clients AFTER you get paid.

Business loan Hero Course takes away all the work allowing anyone to earn 6-figures as a part time side hustle in just 30 minutes a day or 7 figures when working from home full time:

Perhaps the best part is how easy Business loan Hero Course is for beginners.

Regular folks with no previous experience, no technical expertise, and no sales background are earning 6-figure passive incomes their first week.

3 Easy Steps to Your First $3,000 Commission

Business loan Hero Course is broken down into a simple 3-step formula:

Step 1: Find businesses that need a loan

Kenny discovered some clever tricks to finding businesses that are looking for or were previously denied a business loan using LinkedIn, Reddit, and Facebook.

There are thousands of businesses out there that have been denied a loan by their bank, yet still qualify for a loan through these affiliate programs.

Step 2: Connect leads to lenders

Business loan Hero Course includes a master list of alternative lenders that have active affiliate programs paying huge commissions for each referral.

All you have to do is send the business through your affiliate link and...

You're done!

The lender will handle all the paperwork, the phone calls, some using a fully automated system to approve and fund their loans within 24 hours.

Step 3: Collect your fees.

Lenders pay 2-5% of the loan amount as an affiliate commission for your referral with an average of 3%.

So for quick funding $20,000 small business loans you would earn $600 in commissions.

On a $100,000 loan you would earn $3,000.

and on $500,000 loans your commission is $15,000.

Some lenders max out at $5 Million dollar loan amounts meaning you can earn $150,000 commission payments on a single deal.

There is no limit to how much you can earn with Business loan Hero Course.

Optional Step 4: Repeat.

Once word gets out that you have access to easy loan programs, local businesses will beat a path to your door eager to get approved for the money they need... Paying you a commission just for forwarding their information.

Business loan Hero Course Works For Anyone Regardless of Experience.

If you're just starting out, this program is the perfect opportunity to go from zero to your first $10,000 a month in just 30 days.

If you already have local business clients, I'll teach you how to earn an extra income from each of them with no additional work by offering these loans for a commission.

If you are already earning millions as a consultant, you'll discover a new source of local clients as well as loan sources you can offer all of them for bigger paydays.

The Proof Speaks For Itself

Get Business loan Hero Course At A Low One-Time Price

$100 - Pay Just $50 Once And Use Forever!

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Business loan Hero Course Freed Me To Have The Life I Desire, On My Terms.

I live a fairly simple life... I don't drive a Ferrari or fly a private Jet. Sure, I have a huge 6,000sq foot house and take 6 vacations a year with my family.

However, I'm just an ordinary family man who values his time more than flashy objects.

Having a passive 6-figure income source makes life easier in the little ways:

If You've Ever Tried To Earn Money From Home And Failed, It's Not Your Fault

If you have ever tried a 'make money from home program in the past, you've probably realized they are not as easy as they are made out to be.

The case against most online income programs:

I've been involved in all of these business models with varying degrees of success over the years, and I'd rather earn my $50,000 a month passive checks any day.

There's an Easy, Proven Way to Earn Money Online.

Making money online reliably is about finding the opportunities that are working NOW and not 5 years ago.

This opportunity is brand new... The direct result of the government printing money during the pandemic.

The people who get in on this early will reap all the rewards.

Right now, there are thousands of business across the country that have been denied loans are not aware they can be approved by these new programs.

Simply connecting these businesses to the lenders that can help not only earns you a full-time income, it will also help these businesses find they cash they need to stay in business.

Business loan Hero Course is Open to Anyone That Needs a Side Hustle

Anyone can start earning real cash referring local businesses to these loan programs.

These affiliate programs require:

Just refer businesses that need money to the lenders that can help them.

Get Business loan Hero Course At A Low One-Time Price

$100 - Pay Just $50 Once And Use Forever!

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Everything You Need is Included

Business loan Hero Course gives you everything you need to bank affiliate commissions referring businesses that need cash to the lenders that can help them.

I worked with Kenny to create a series of checklists that anyone can use to duplicate his results and start earning commissions quickly.

And to make sure that you get the most from Business loan Hero Course, I've included a master class on-demand coaching program.

This program walks you through everything needed to run this business and start earning 6 figures in your spare time.

Inside you'll discover:

Now As a Special Bonus, We're Including an Entire Section on How to Get Funding For Your Own Business.

This section was the most popular part of Kenny's training...

Kenny walks you through how he secured $65,000 in financing to grow his affiliate business.

You'll also learn the loan program he used to help his sister get funding for her Amazon business and how Kenny helped countless friends get lump sum cash they needed to run with their own business ideas.

You'll never have to worry about funding after you learn all the programs that are available.

You're Protected By Our Iron-Clad 60-Day Guarantee

Business loan Hero Course is Guaranteed to Work For You, or You Pay Nothing.

Now legally, I can't guarantee that you will make money; however, I can guarantee your satisfaction.

And so I want you to try Business loan Hero Course on me for a full 60 days.

If during that time you don't get the results that you desire

If you don't find this to be the easiest way to earn passive income from home...

Or even if you don't like my color choices in the member's area, any reason at all...

Just send me a support ticket with the word refund, and I'll send you back every penny.

No questions, no hassles.

You can even keep your copy of Business loan Hero Course as my gift for trying it out.

Look at Everything You Are Getting in the Business loan Hero Course Coaching Program

Total Value of Everything


$632 + $497/month

Get Business loan Hero Course At A Low One-Time Price

$100 - Pay Just $50 Once And Use Forever!

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Don't Decide Now...

Try This Risk-Free On Me.

Take advantage of my unconditional triple guarantee.

Just try Business loan Hero Course on me for a full 60 days.

If you don't book at least 3 businesses in that time...

If you don't earn the money, you feel you deserve...

Even if you don't like the color choices in the guidebook and reason at all...

Just send me an email with the word refund, and I'll send you back every penny. No questions, no hassles.

You can even keep the coaching program and all the bonuses as my gift for trying it out.

Get Business loan Hero Course At A Low One-Time Price

$100 - Pay Just $50 Once And Use Forever!

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Are You Ready to Experience True Financial Freedom?

Are you ready to give up the 9-5 grind?

Are you ready to pay off your debts and start building real wealth?

Business loan Hero Course is the most reliable, stable way to do it.

YOU now have everything you need to cash in on this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Get Business loan Hero Course At A Low One-Time Price

$100 - Pay Just $50 Once And Use Forever!

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Right Now, You Have 3 Choices.

Choice 1 is you can do nothing, which leads to a place called nowhere.

Your debt will continue to pile up while slaving away for 40 hours a week, helping make other people rich.

Choice 2is you can take the information on this page and try to go it alone. Sure, if you take careful notes, you'll see some success... However, you'll be learning the hard way through trial and error.

Or Choice 3, the smart choice Join the Business loan Hero Course coaching program to have all the work done for you and start experiencing financial freedom today.

I know you'll make the only smart choice, and I'll see you inside.

P.S. Regular folks all around the world are using Business loan Hero Course to bank $3,000 commissions after just 30 minutes of work from home.

YOU have a full 60 days to put this to work for you with your satisfaction backed by an iron-clad 100% 60-day guarantee.

P.P.S. This offer is only good for the next few days, and I am NOT keeping this promotion open for long.

Get Business loan Hero Course At A Low One-Time Price

$100 - Pay Just $50 Once And Use Forever!

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Q: What is this?

A: Business loan Hero Course is an on-demand coaching program that earns you passive commission payments referring businesses to lender affiliate programs.

Q: Is this something I have never seen before?

A: This method has NEVER been revealed publicly. The lead sources are entirely new, and the agencies are hand-picked. This is the first time I'm showing any of this.

Q: Is this really newbie-friendly?

A: Absolutely! Everything is presented in a step-by-step fashion that uses copy/paste materials. No experience is needed. If you can send an email, you can run this business from home.

Q: How exactly does this work?

A: You use a Google search hack to find businesses that have been denied business loans and refer them to lenders that can help. These lenders take care of everything and pay you a 3% commission on the loan amount for each referral.

Q: Does this include a free traffic method?

A: YES! All of the leads generated in this program come from free methods.

Q: How much can I make with this?

A: Legally, we can't guarantee that you make any money with this as most people won't put it into action. That said, the commission on each client can range from $500 - $5,000 per month. Depending on how many clients you land, this can earn anything between $50,000 - over $1,000,000 a year in fees.

Q: How long until I start making money using this?

A: Customers have seen their first paycheck in as little as a week. However, how long it takes depends entirely on how fast you are willing to put this into action.

Q: Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

A: YES! You have a full 60 days to try this out for yourself. If you are not completely 100% satisfied, for any reason at all, just send me a quick email with the word refund, and I'll send you back every penny. No hassles, no questions.

Q: How do I get instant access to this?

A: After you click the buy button and complete the checkout, you will be granted immediate access to the member's area, where you can access everything listed, as well as a few more surprise bonuses I have for you.

Q: What is the best way to onboard a new client?

A: All of this is handled for you! The best part about working for agencies is YOU don't have to deal with clients once they are sold. You hand them off to professionals who will onboard them over the phone and through webinars for you.

Q: How do I price my services or product?

A: All the prices are built into these agencies with a generous markup for you. Each service has a different price range, and you'll learn the optimal pricing in the master class.

Q: How can someone start an agency part-time while keeping their full-time job?

A: This requires only 30 minutes to set up and 30 minutes a week to manage emails. You can do this early in the morning while you have your coffee or late at night before bed.

Q: On average, how many hours should you spend on each client?

A: NONE! The best part is once this is set up, the agencies do all the work for you while you earn a lifetime commission on every dollar they spend.

Q: How do I get access to this? 

A: After you click the buy button and complete the checkout, you will get immediate access to the member's area, where you can access everything listed, as well as a few more surprise bonuses I have for you. Your login will arrive in your email inbox with the subject line "your login info..." shortly after purchase. If you don't receive this email message, please open a ticket at  

Get Business loan Hero Course At A Low One-Time Price

$100 - Pay Just $50 Once And Use Forever!

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